Lahuka Film acted as the designated in country partner and sponsor for our shoot in Indonesia for a National Geographic/ Disney+ series. They provided full help and support in the submission phase and advised us at each stage of the process, keeping us fully informed with progress their side.
The company provided the journalist visa and provided fast track and customs clearance on arrival, assisting our crew travelling with over 60 cases of equipment on entry to Indonesia and their onward domestic travel. Again, the team in the UK were kept updated at each stage.
Lahuka Film also provided a fixer for the duration of the shoot to accompany the crew on site, which is now a government requirement and also provided a government registered drone pilot and drone rental.
Communication has been outstanding and all requests/ queries dealt with quickly and thoroughly. We threw a few last minute curve balls at them, but nothing was too much trouble. Clear and detailed quotes were provided throughout and costs were as expected.
Overall, it has been a very positive and productive experience, with confidence that everything was in hand and being dealt with correctly.
Maria Dennett
Production Manager